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The hearing of the appeal of the co-chairman of the Memorial Center Oleg Orlov postponed

2024 2024-06-10T14:49:48+0300 2024-06-10T14:50:13+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

On June 7, the Moscow City Court heard the appeal of a well-known Russian human rights activist, co-chairman of the Memorial Center Oleg Orlov.

Recall that on February 27, judge Elena Astakhova sentenced Oleg Orlov to 2.5 years in a general security colony under the article on "repeated discrediting of the Russian armed forces" for condemning the invasion of Ukraine.

After the verdict, without any grounds, Oleg Orlov was transferred to the SIZO-2 in Syzran on the night of April 11–12. Moreover, neither the lawyers nor Orlov's wife knew about the transfer to another region.

According to the Memorial Center, the human rights defender joined the court hearing via a video call. He says that his rights were violated: he could not meet with his lawyer, so the preparation for the appeal was disrupted. He also claims that he did not familiarize himself with the sufficient amount of case materials. He saw the seventh volume of them on the last day in Moscow.

The lawyer also claimed a violation of the right to judicial protection, pointing out that Orlov's transfer from Moscow to the SIZO-2 in Syzran deprived him of the opportunity to meet with his lawyer on the eve of the appeal.

Judge Maria Larkina postponed the hearing until July 11 so that Oleg Orlov could properly prepare for the defense in court.

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