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The appeal of Oleg Orlov, the co-chairman of the Memorial Center, was rejected

2024 2024-07-12T11:54:16+0300 2024-07-12T11:54:30+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

On July 11, the Moscow City Court continues to review the appeal of a well-known Russian human rights defender, co-chairman of the Memorial Center Oleg Orlov. The appeal was reviewed by judge Maria Larkina.

Recall that on February 27, judge Elena Astakhova sentenced Oleg Orlov to 2.5 years in a general security colony under the article on "repeated discrediting of the Russian armed forces" for condemning the invasion of Ukraine.

After the verdict, without any grounds, Oleg Orlov was transferred on the night of April 11–12 to the SIZO-2 in Syzran. Moreover, neither the lawyers nor Orlov's wife knew about the transfer to another region.

The first hearing was held on June 7. But Oleg Orlov, who participated in the trial via a video call, and his lawyer, managed to convince the judge to postpone the hearing so that Oleg Orlov could properly prepare for the defense in court.

Today, at the beginning of the trial, Oleg Orlov said that he does not repent of anything and does not regret anything:

"I'm in the necessary place at the necessary time. When there are mass repressions in the country, I am with those who are being persecuted, thereby I help..."

But the human rights defender was not allowed to finish and the sound was turned off.

The Moscow City Court upheld the sentence of Oleg Orlov: 2.5 years in a general security penal colony. 

A few days ago, on July 9, Oleg Orlov became an honorary citizen of Paris.

For more than 20 years, the Paris Council has awarded the title of honorary citizen to public figures and activists from different countries. It is awarded annually to those who lead the "struggle for democracy, respect for human rights and freedom." In 2012, Ales Bialiatski, a political prisoner, head of the Belarusian Viasna Human Rights Center, a long-time friend and colleague of Oleg Orlov, became an honorary citizen of Paris. In 2018, the title was awarded to Oleh Sentsov, a Ukrainian director who spent five years in Russian captivity.

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