On Release Yury Khadyka is Charged with Court Disrespect
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Based on information of Radio “Liberty”
On 1 July, after 15 days of arrest, to which he was sentenced for participation in the march “For Better Life!”, vice-Head of the BPF Party Yury Khadyka was released. About 20 people gathered near the detention center to meet him.
As soon as 2 July Yury Khadyka will be judged again at Minsk Savetski Borough Court, this time for insult of the court. The accusation is grounded on the fact that the professor hasn’t come to the court for two months, ignoring the summons that were posted to him. Yury Khadyka explained hat he lived at his sister’s and for this reasons didn’t receive any summons. If found guilty, Yury Khadyka can be fined or imprisoned.