Vice-head of United Civil Party Is Warned
Circuit election commission No. 100 warned the potential candidate to deputies, vice-head of United Civil Party Siarhey Alfer.
The commission received the act of exaction of a fly-sheet and a calendar with Alfer’s portrait from a postbox, which was conducted by a police inspector on 8 September. It was considered as act of early agitation. As a result, Alfer was warned. Two such warnings automatically exclude a candidate from electoral rally.
Mr. Alfer, in his turn, stated that the agitation materials on behalf of People’s coalition “5+” were distributed before the appointment of the election:
-- The commission didn’t present any evidence that these fly-sheets were distributed during the electoral campaign. I think that it was an order from the authorities who want to get rid of oppositional candidates at any cost not to have rivals.
Now Alfer is going to complain the decision of the circuit commission to Central Election Commission.