Punished for Picketing in Vauskavysk
On 27 August participants of the repeated assembly of the Union of Poles in Belarus were taken to Vauksavysk recreation center for the repeated assembly of the Union of Poles in Belarus. The reason was that the Ministry of Justice didn’t recognize the results of the UPB assembly, according to which Anzhalika Borys was elected the chair of the union.
Some citizens, journalists and activists of the Union of Poles from Hrodna came to the repeated assembly, but weren’t let in. The assembly participants received ballots with only one candidature, 69-old pensioner Iuzaf Luchnik and had to vote for him.
On 7 September Vauksavysk City Court fined disabled Vital Huliak, activist of United Civil Party, 600 000 rubles for participation in the unauthorized picket that took place in Vaukavysk during the repeated assembly of the Union of Poles in Belarus.
Three policemen were present at the trial as witnesses. According to Iury Istomin, chair of Hrodna UCP organization, the court didn’t watch any video materials. Judge Lantsevich refused to do it, stating she trusted the police.
On 8 September the court sentenced Aliaksandr Baradaukin, chair of Vaukavysk district UCP organization, to three days of jail for participation in the same picket. According to Mr. Baradaukin, the UCP members didn’t picket the recreation house. They stood there silently with black ribbons on their sleeves. However, the police reported that the picket participants shouted anti-presidential slogans and violated the public order.