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Former deputy Siarhei Skrabiets still refuses to participate in trial and continues his hunger-strike

2006 2006-01-24T10:00:00+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The trial over Siarhei Skrabiets in the Supreme Court continues and Siarhei Skrabiets is accused of a number of crimes The sitting of January 24 started from the request of Skrabiets about the changing the confinement to provide the equal rights in the election campaign with the other candidates. The petition of the defendant was rejected. After that Siarhei Skrabiets told that he cannot participate in the trial because of the state of his health that was influenced by the 23-day hunger-strike. A judge read a doctor’s certificate where the doctor from the detention center informed about the absence of any illnesses. In addition, the judge expressed the opinion that Sirhei Skrabiets is on hunger-strike because his medical tests show good results.
Then the judge continued examination of the witnesses. The verdict can be influenced by the answer to the question about the assets of the companies connected with the former deputy, which were used as a guarantee of credit.
Siahei Skarabiets, the former leader of the deputy group Respublika said that he was persecuted for his opposition activity and intention to be nominated to the position of the President of Belarus, reports Radio Liberty.

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