Minsk City Court Turns up Complaint of Kazulin’s Lawyer
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
According to BelaPAN
The chair of Minsk city court Mikhail Ardziaka didn’t satisfy the review complaint on the criminal case of the former candidate to presidency Aliaksandr Kazulin.
‘Now we have the right to apply with such complaint to the chair of the Supreme Court or prosecutor general. In the case they don’t satisfy it we will have to apply to international instances,’ stated Kazulin’s lawyer Ihar Rynkevich.
The complaint was filed on 20 October. The lawyer asked the chair of Minsk City Court to issue a review protest against the cassation ruling and the court verdict in the case of Aliaksandr Kazulin because of the absence of corpus delicti in his actions.