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KGB Seizes Passport of Anzhalika Borys

2006 2006-12-06T10:00:00+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”


Today during an interrogation the officers of Hrodna regional KGB department seized the passport of Anzhalika Borys, the chairperson of the Union of Poles in Belarus. Anzhalika Borys is a member of the delegation which on 11 December is to go to Strasbourg where the leader of the United Democratic Forces Aliaksandr Milinkevich is to receive the European Parliament’s Andrei Sakharov prize.

Mr Milinkevich is positive that the incident with Anzhalika Borys’ passport is not a coincident, and it is related to the visit to Strasbourg.

’By their actions the KGB in fact banned Anzhalika Borys to take part in the meetings of the highest level planned for the Belarusian delegation in Strasbourg. Today Anzhalika Borys is one of the symbols of struggle with lawlessness in Belarus, and an example of asserting one’s rights. Undoubtedly, the ban for leaving the country is a continuation of the campaign carried out by the regime to weaken our delegation at maximum and prevent us from participation in the European Parliament session,’ Aliaksandr Milinkevich said.

Anzhalika Borys was summoned to the KGB as a witness in the criminal case. On 29 October the car where she and her associates were travelling, was stopped at the border crossing Pryvalka in the northern part of Hrodna region at Lithuanian border. During the search of the car customs officers ‘accidentally’ dismantled a mirror and found white powder there. The powder turned out to be a drug. The Main Council of the Union of Poles in Belarus called that accident a provocation.

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