Human Rights Center “Viasna”The Human Rights Center “Viasna”The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Drazdova village is located near Minsk. However, now it is cut off from the capital. The only mini-bus which connected the village with the city stopped running. There is no way for the village residents to get to Minsk. The people told the authorities they would not go to the polls if the mini-bus connection would not be reopened. It was not.
-- They came with a ballot box to my doors, -- pensioner Valianstina Mikhailauna tells KP v Belarusi journalist. – I refused to vote. I told them to go back! The majority of Drazdova residents are registered in Minsk (the village is 2 kilometers away from the capital). In order to vote, they had to go to Minsk.
-- We did not go to vote for a reason, -- says one more village resident. – My husband and I decided: if the authorities don’t care about us, we will not go to the polls. That’s what the majority of Drazdova residents did: they just stayed at home. The day was rainy. Nobody went to Minsk, because there was no transport to commute.