Paval Yukhnevich Jailed for 15 Days
Today democratic activist Paval Yukhnevich was sentenced to 15 days of jail by Savetski court of Minsk. Only yesterday the activist was released from Akrestsina jail where he spent 7 days for organizing the European March. Today he was again found guilty of violation of two articles of the Administrative Code. The verdict to the activist was made by judge Ludmila Savastsyan. Yesterday Yukhnevich was supposed to be released from Akrestsina jail. However, at the doors he was met by police officers who took him to Savetski police department of Minsk. The police drew up a report against him for allegedly using foul language on August 22nd. In reality, that day Yukhnevich was detained together with 50 spectators and actors of the Free Theater. The actors and spectators were released, but the police drew up a false report of an administrative violation. Yesterday in the police department Yukhnevich received summons to come to court at 11 a.m. on October 19th. Under the law, the activist should have been released. In order to keep him in detention, the police drew up another report – again, for using foul language. The testimony of the police officers is extremely cynical. They claimed, Yukhnevich used foul language when he walked on Kulman Street on October 18th. However, the opposition activist was never released for even a second – he was only in detention center, or a police car, or the police department! Here are the names of the people who lied in court: riot policemen Khalamou and Lemantovich, police captain Halanau from Savetski police department, and police officer of the same department Kislou.