Lida: ‘Young Front’ activist is threatened with distrain of property
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Recently an under-age activist of Lida branch of the Young Front Raman Tunkel has been visited by officers of the court. They threatened to his parents to distrain property.
They promise to do so for non-payment of the fine on the administrative case, the website of the Young Front informs.
In July 17-year-old Raman Tunkel was detained when making graffiti There is no stopping to Young Front!. An administrative report was drawn up against the activist on charges relating Article 10.9 ‘intentional destruction or voluntary waste of property’. The court sentenced the young man to 1,050,000 rubles of fine and additional 260,000 rubles for repainting of the building (the whole sum equals to about $615).