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Astravets: civil activist Ivan Kruk questioned concerning an attempt of arson

2009 2009-03-03T22:29:19+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The police interrogated the civil activist Ivan Kruk within the frames of the criminal case that had been brought on the fact of an attempt of arson of the office of Hrodna oblast department of the State Control Committee. At night of 6-7 February unknown persons broke the window by throwing a bottle with unidentified mixture.

Ivan Kruk is the first oppositionist who has been interrogated on this matter so far. The activist considers the actions of the police as a provocation and prepares complaints to the prosecutor general and the head of the State Control Committee.

Mr. Kruk is one of the founders of the civil initiative against the construction of a nuclear power plant on the territory of Astravets district. He does not rule out that the interrogation can be an attempt to exercise psychological pressure on him and his relatives.

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