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Another warning for ‘BelSat’

2009 2009-03-04T18:44:43+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The member of the Belarusian Association of Journalists from Homel Aleh Razhkou received by mail an official warning from Homel oblast prosecutor’s office for ‘journalist activities in favor of the Polish satellite TV channel BelSat’.

The warning is signed by the deputy prosecutor Henadz Ramaniuk. There it is said that the prosecutor’s office conducted a check-up concerning the addresses of Valiantsina Maiseyenka and Natallia Yahorava, who complained that in November 2008 the interview they had given to Aleh Razhkou and Tatsiana Yahorava was shown on BelSat that is ‘not registered in conformity with the legal requirements’.

Thus, Aleh Razhkou, ‘not being a journalist and having no accreditation from the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus as a correspondent of a foreign mass media, violated Article 35 part 4 of the Law On mass media that prohibits professional activities of non-accredited journalists for foreign mass media on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.’

‘The warning is groundless’, says Aleh Razhkou. ‘I was not summonsed to the prosecutor’s office and they did not take any explanations from me. I don’t have any official relations with the BelSat TV channel. If I am not a journalist, athwart the statements of this document, how can I be warned at all?’

Bear in mind that on 24 February Homel oblast prosecutor’s office gave a similar warning to the BAJ member Tatsiana Bubulikava for ‘activities for BelSat’. Several days ago it became known that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to register BelSat bureau in Belarus because of ‘mistakes in the documents’

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