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Authorities stage fake public discussion concerning construction of nuclear power plant in Astravets

2009 2009-03-04T19:00:02+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

In Astravets the authorities organized an ‘open meeting’ for discussion of the construction of a nuclear power station in Astravets.

The meeting was coordinated by an official of the nuclear energy department of the Ministry of Energy. The head of the council of director of the future power plant Andrei Barkun, the main engineer of the Belgeology Alexander Ivanenka and the professor of the medical academy of post-graduate education Uladzimir Tsiarnou took the floor there.

They assured the present people that the construction of the nuclear power plant will intensify the economical development of the region. However, the meeting participants didn’t receive the answers to their questions concerning the energetic security of Belarus and the possible ecological consequences of construction of the power plant.

The meeting took place at 12 a.m. Activists of the anti-nuclear initiative found about it occasionally. ‘The Orhuz convention of the CIS, according to which the construction of nuclear power plants needs to be publicly discussed before the decision about the expediency of such project is taken. In our case the situation has been practically taken on the official level, and the authorities try to create the semblance of discussion, though it won’t have any impact,’ says the activist of For Freedom movement, ecologist Yury Meliashkevich.

The professor of physics Heorhi Lepin doubts that the necessary geological research has been conducted at the building site. ‘In this case we need a deep study of the movements of the layers of the Earth crust. During examination of the building site we did not find any traits of such work. The works that help to study of the vertical and horizontal movements of the Earth crust must be conducted for about 1.5-2 years,’ he said.

Representatives of the civil society state that the process of preparation to construction of the nuclear power plant is non-transparent and the information about it is inaccessible. They say that continuation of this process in such circumstances it is inadmissible.

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