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Mikhail Pashkevich gets official warning

2009 2009-03-09T18:54:35+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The head of the youth organization of the United Civil Party Young Democrats Mikhail Pashkevich received a warning for violation of the regime of personal restraint.

Last year Mikhail Pashkevich was sentenced to two years of personal restraint without direction to an open penitentiary institution within the frames of the ‘process of 14’. On 5 March Pashkevich came home 20 minutes late as a result of a traffic jam. As a result he received a warning. If a person thrice violates the regime, a criminal case under Article 415, ‘evasion from serving of personal restraint’ can be brought.

Bear in mind that on 3 March another defendant on the ‘process of 14’ Artsiom Dubski received official charges under Article 415.

The vigilant control over the democratic activists lets the law-enforcement agencies continue their persecution on allegedly legal reasons – for violations of the regime.

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