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Oppositionists demand to drop charge against human rights activist Svetsik

2009 2009-06-17T18:02:49+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

Several members of the Conservative Christian Party BPF Yan Taupyha, Yan Dziarzhautsau, as well as a non-partisan activist Barys Khamaida, have addressed Judge of Vitsebsk Regional Court Halina Urbanovich with a demand to drop charges against the local human rights activist Leanid Svetsik, who is prosecuted for fomenting national hatred by the local KGB department.
They claim that the prosecution is groundless and demand to prosecute the actual offenders who threatened them with violence for their political views.
The judge has turned down the motion by the oppositionists, who have declared themselves victims in the case, having strong doubt about the guilt of the accused. Still, she has filed the motion to the case materials.
According to Mr.Svetsik, the court has granted only one petition by the activist since the beginning of the trial, having rejected over two dozen other motions advanced by himself, his lawyer and the victims. Mr.Svetsik thinks the prosecution is a revenge for his human rights activities in Vitsebsk over the past few years.
In case the court finds Mr.Svetsik guilty, the activist may be sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment.

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