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Supreme Court ignores addresses of convicts' relatives

2009 2009-08-04T17:35:54+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The Belarusian women, whose relatives were tried with violations of the law, still complain of receiving just run-arounds instead of substantial answers. The Supreme Court acts even more boldly: the leader of the women's initiative Halina Yubko has received a packet with the complaints and the collective address that had been submitted to this state organ. The court didn't even answer to the convicts' relatives.


Moreover, on 3 August the group of 20 women was not accepted by the head of the Supreme Court Valiantsin Sukala. Their collective address to the court was registered only on their insistent demands. Nevertheless, the court has given no answer to it.


'We just demand that the authorities abide by the present legislation', says Halina Yubko. 'According to the law, they must give us a substantial answer to each of our questions.' Halina says that the women will keep coming to the court again and again. At present they are preparing another address to Benita Ferrero-Waldner, EU Commissioner Responsible for External Relations and European Neighborhood Policy.

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