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Biaroza: human rights activists sue district authorities

2010 2010-01-04T18:37:19+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Human rights defender Siarzhuk Rusetski (Biaroza)

Human rights defender Siarzhuk Rusetski (Biaroza)

Biaroza human rights defenders have received summons to the court in the capacity of plaintiffs. The defendant is Biaroza district executive committee who prohibited the activists to hold a picket on 10 December, the Human Rights Day.

The applicants went to the law as they consider the ban unlawful. The first court sitting will take place on 5 January.

The plaintiff Siarzhuk Rusetski said he didn't believe in the positive solving of the case: "Frankly speaking, one can hardly hope for winning the trial, as such cases are very rare in Belarus. But the matter is that human rights are a process that demands a constant struggle. We had to fight in the past, have to fight now and will have to in the future. That's why we decided to try it."

Bear in mind that the reason for banning the mass action was the alleged failure of the applicants to determine concrete measures for securing the public order and medical aid during the action.

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