‘Ideologizing elections’ in Mahiliou
On 9 February Elections as a factor of civil society development, a seminar for Mahiliou ideologists, took place marking the beginning of the Country in the run-up to the elections, a joint project held by the ideological department of the Mahiliou city executive committee and the Mahiliou informational-ideological center and the ‘state NGO’ Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM). The project is destined for ‘informing the population about the pace of the election campaign and increasing its informational, political and legal culture’.
Among the planned activities there are information hours, meetings with members of election commissions, candidates to the local Soviets of Deputies and lecturers of higher educational establishments, working out information materials and memos for electors, organization of information stands and exhibitions.
A questionnaire poll I am an elector will be held in February-March with the aim to study the electoral culture and behavior of youth. BRSM will also hold the youth marathon Your life – your choice, including the following activities:
1. Me, choice, the future(holding measures to inform about the socio-economical development of the city, oblast, country and its perspectives);
2. We elect – we live! (SMS-actions, feasts of street culture, organization of topical forums and congratulations of the young electors who voted for the first time);
3. What? Where? When? Elections! In our country! In April! (organization of seminars, quizzes, debates and educational games concerning the election laws of the Republic of Belarus and its history; opinion poll What do you expect from a deputy?, etc.)
4. Legal initiative (contests for the best youth initiatives on improvement of the legislation).
Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections