Mahiliou: boundaries of election constituencies haven’t been set so far
Andrei Dzvihun, pretender to candidate for the local Soviet of Deputies, chairperson of the Leninski district organization of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Hramada, lodged a complaint with the Mahiliou oblast election commission.
The reason for the complaint is that the boundaries of the election constituency where Mr. Dzvihun is going to run aren’t known to the electors. Vesnik Mahiliova, the local state newspaper, hasn’t published information about the numbers of houses that belong to the constituency.
Bear in mind that last Friday human rights defender Aliaksei Kolchyn and Zmitser Salauyou, Chairperson of the Mahiliou oblast organization of the Belarusian Popular Front Adradzhenne, paid a visit to the Mahiliou city election commission and raised this question. The commission members promised that the problem would be solved for the weekend, but the boundaries of the election constituency still remain unset.
Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections