Activists of BPF Party are summonsed to procuracy in connection with car tax referendum
Recently, several activists of the Belarusian Popular Front Party have been summonsed to the procuracy concerning one of the party’s initiatives. BPF wants to initiate a nationwide referendum on the question ‘Do You support the keeping of the tax for import of cars on the level of 26 November 2009?’ and have lodged documents with the Central Election Commission for registration of an appropriate initiative group. The commission must give its answer by 4 May.
Zmitser Salauyou, Chairperson of the Mahiliou regional BPF organization, visited the Leninski District Procuracy of Mahiliou on 29 April. There he was asked whether he had taken party in the assembly of the initiative group, how many people were present at it and who notarized the agreement about the establishment of the initiative group.
The following activists were summoned to procuracies as well:
Zmitser Antonchyk (Mahiliou)
Aliaksandr Kuzniatsou (Vitsebsk)
Siarhei Trafimchyk (Biarozauka, Lida district)
Yauhen Puhach (Smaliavichy).