Bialynichy district: precinct commissions formed out of representatives of state trade unions and ‘Belaya Rus’
On 3
November the Bialynichy District Executive Committee held a sitting to form the
precinct election commissions (PECs) in the Bialynichy district. The executive
committee formed 20 PECs
and included 237 people to them.
The observer Barys Vyrvich (who had been nominated to the Bialynichy District
Election Commission by collection of electors’ signatures) was admitted to the
According to Mr. Vyrvich, the information concerning the formation of the PECs was read by the head
of the organizational and personnel department of the executive committee Lidziya
Shchatsinka, who is also the secretary of the Bialynichy District Election
Commissions. As a result of the sitting there were established 20 precinct
election commissions. From 6 to 17 people were included in each of them. A
total of 237 people were included in the commissions. The overwhelming majority
of them had worked in election commissions during the previous local and
parliamentary elections. 39.7% of members of PECs represent NGOs, though political parties
and pro-democratic NGOs had nominated no representatives to them. 24.5% of
candidates were nominated to the commissions by the state trade unions, 7.2% -
by the ‘state NGO’ Belaya Rus, 5.5% -
by the Belarusian Republican Youth Union and 2.5% - by the district
organization of veterans. The rest were nominated by collection of electors’
signatures or by collectives of institutions and enterprises.
The executive committee considered the question of the formation of the PECs for 40 minutes. No
members of the Bialynichy District Election Commission asked any questions
about any of the candidacies proposed for the precinct commissions. The list of
members of the PECs
was adopted unanimously.
Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections