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Barysau: state-owned press keeps silence about democratic candidates or mocks at them

2010 2010-12-02T21:12:38+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The printed issues of the mouthpiece of the Barysau District Executive Committee Adzinstva for 1 December 2010 says nothing about oppositional candidates for president. However, the electronic version of the newspaper offers to readers mocking reports about the electoral meetings of Yaraslau Ramanchuk and Andrei Sannikau.

The report about Ramanchuk’s meeting is titled I’ll Build A Bridge And Dig A River, though the candidate haven’t talked about such things with electors at all. ‘According to Yaraslau Ramanchuk, the country needs to develop private business and roadside service, change the priorities in the agriculture, draw investments and wisely use the natural resources. These ideas aren’t new – that’s the policy the country’s government has pursued during the last ten years,’ states the author, Andrei Ivuts. ‘The strengthening of the agricultural complex and construction of modern farms have been in the focus of attention during the last five years, and it’s not a merit of the candidate,’ continues the journalist. ‘You should have looked in the church calendar first than clanging, Mr.’, finishes Ivuts.

His report about the electoral meeting of Andrei Sannikau, titled Belarus Without Europe Or Europe Without Belarus?, conveys similar emotions. Here we draw some quotations from this odious pasquinade: ‘Hitherto little-known in the country coordinator of the civil initiative Charter’97, the leader of the civil campaign European Belarus (which is in opposition to the present authorities, or at least positions itself as such), candidate for President Andrei Sannikau appeared in the hall with a five-minute delay, in the company of the former Chairperson of the Supreme Soviet of Belarus S.Shushkevich and general V.Fralou, who demonstratively chewed bubblegum’, or ‘our people is not proud, they listened patiently the mutual praises of members of Sannikau’s team, applauding from time to time to some fine words’. Then the journalist enumerates several points of the electoral program of Mr. Sanikau and ends the article with the statement: ‘Sannikau’s calls to come to the Kastrychnitskaya Square in Minsk on 19 December sound even more ‘modest’. The reasons why one needs to come there are quite simple: the opposition has the tradition of supporting its candidate, who loses an election. It is easy to predict the future of the electoral campaign of Andrei Sannikau. And there’s no need for further question to him…’

Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections

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