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Navapolatsk authorities have banned three pickets lately

2011 2011-03-01T16:26:21+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The picket applied for by the Independent trade union of workers of the open joint stock company Naftan was banned because of… quarantine.

Trade union activists of Naftan applied to the Navapolatsk Town Executive Committee for authorization of their picket on 25 February. They intended to hold the action to protest against the refusal of the Naftan administration to sign a collective agreement with the trade union.

According to the received answer, the picket couldn’t be authorized because of the quarantine which was introduced in the town because of acute respiratory diseases.

It is already the third picket banned by the Navapolatsk authorities lately. Before this, two refusals were received by a group of citizens who tried to receive agreement for holding an action of solidarity with the people who were persecuted in connection with the events of 19 December 2010 in Minsk. The official reason for the refusal was that ‘the action of 19 December was anti-constitutional’.

Now the trade union activists intend to apply for holding a picket on 25 March, informs

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