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Administrative prosecution of Mahiliou 17-year-old opposition activist closed

2011 2011-03-25T12:13:47+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Barys Bukhel, human rights defender from Mahiliou

Barys Bukhel, human rights defender from Mahiliou

On 24 March, Mahiliou juvenile delinquency commission considered the administrative case of local opposition activist Hanna Shkadun, charged with participation in an unauthorized solidarity picket on 16 January 2011. As a result, the charges were withdrawn due to the expiry of the statute of limitation.

Local human rights defender Barys Bukhel believes the hearing should not have taken place at all due to the undoubted violations in the police record.

“Together with Hanna’s mother, we are going to appeal the commission’s decision. We demand a complete acquittal of the teenager on the merits of the case”, says Mr. Bukhel.

Hanna Shkadun’s mother argues that local juvenile official falsified the infringement notice.


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