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Autoradio is still considered as “extremist”

2011 2011-05-10T18:47:41+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

On 10 May the cassation board of the Supreme Economic Court declined the cassation appeal of Autoradio. The radio station asked the court to reverse its verdict of 29 March which left in force the decision of the National commission on TV and radio broadcasting according to which the airplay of Autoradio was to be stopped.

Now Autoradio is waiting for the motivational part of the verdict in order to file a review appeal against the last verdict.

Bear in mind that the reason for the closedown of the radio station was broadcasting of the phrase of the presidential candidate Andrei Sannikau that the fate of the country is decided on in kitchens, but on the square. The Ministry of Information considered it as an “extremist call”, though this conclusion wasn’t confirmed by the linguistic expertise.

Moreover, only court can find any material extremist. However, there was no trial at which these words were declared extremist.

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