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Andrei Pachobut sentenced to 3 years of jail with 2-year determent

2011 2011-07-05T17:39:10+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Andrei Pachobut, journalist and blogger, correspondent for Gazeta Wyborcza

Andrei Pachobut, journalist and blogger, correspondent for Gazeta Wyborcza

Andrei Pachobut, a journalist for the Polish weekly Gazeta Wyborcza, was tried at the Leninski District Court of Hrodna. He was charged with insult of president (Artice 368, part 1 of the Criminal Code) and libel against president, (Article 367, part 1). The charges under the former articles were dropped.

The prosecutor demanded to punish the journalist with three years of imprisonment. The judge found Andrei guilty under Article 368, part 1 and sentenced him to 3 years of imprisonment with a 2-year determent of the penalty execution.

The trial was conducted behind the closed doors. Even Pachobut’s wife, daughter and parents weren’t admitted to it. Before the beginning of the trial the police tried to detain photo correspondent Siarhei Hryts, but his colleagues managed to defend him.

In his last plea Andrei Pachobut insisted on his innocence.

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