Brest: cassation appeal of beaten pensioner turned down
Andrei Leshchanka, Judge of the Brest Region Court, turned down the
cassation appeal against the verdict of the Biaroza District Court on case of
Halina Kavalevich.
The pensioner had been detained with the use of violence by officers of the
Biaroza District Police Department during the silent protest action held on 13
July. The district court found her guilty of resisting to the police, but
didn't punish her because of the “insignificance of the violation”.
In her cassation appeal the woman asked the regional court to reverse the
verdict. However, Andrei Leshchanka refused to do it and said that
peculiarities of the Biaroza judge had a
better knowledge of peculiarities of this case.
According to Iryna Kavalevich and human rights defender Uladzimir Malei, such
verdicts sanction groundless police violence towards citizens.