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Salihorsk: forced subscription to state-own junk media reaches kindergartens

2011 2011-12-09T18:07:24+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The problem of forced subscription to state-owned press is getting more acute in Salihorsk. Earlier this practice concerned predominately workers of large enterprises and entrepreneurs, but at present even parents whose children go to state kindergartens are forced to subscribe too.

“Kindergarten educators and administration representatives ask us to subscribe to the newspapers almost with tears in their eyes, and say they are made to do it. Most often they agitate for the newspaper “Yunyi Spasatel” (“Young Rescuer”), issued by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

This medium has quite a large circulation, even for a state-owned newspaper – 110,000 copies. However, everything becomes more clear if we remember that all legal entities, entrepreneurs and even ordinary citizens have to get some documents from the fire security service. According to entrepreneurs from Kastrychintski market, such forced subscription is one of the first conditions of this service – a person can be made to subscribe to as many as ten copies of the newspaper.

According to information of the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, one of the main aims of the newspaper “Yunyi Spasatel” is civil and patriotic upbringing of children and youth, which actually means state propaganda.

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