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Malaryta authorities ban picket and ask about sources of its financing

2012 2012-06-07T03:43:08+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Uladzimir Malei

Uladzimir Malei

Human rights defender Uladzimir Malei, who applied to the Malaryta District Executive Committee for authorization of a picket “For fair elections without Lukashenka”, received a negative answer, signed by the deputy head of the committee Vadzim Shpetny.

The official stated that the Law “On mass events” prohibits holding such actions less than 50 meters away from buildings of executive and administrative agencies, whereas the organizer intended to hold the picket in front of the Culture Palace, where the cultural department of the district executive committee and a civil registry are situated. Moreover, Vadzim Shpetny writes that according to the law the organizers must indicate the source of financing.

Uladzimir Malei says that these demands are absurd and says that the aforementioned Law doesn’t contain such requirements. He intends to appeal the decision of the executive committee to court.


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