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Homel oppositionists nominate 20 people to constituency commissions

2012 2012-07-04T17:21:32+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Vasil Paliakou, Chair of the Homel regional organization of the United Civil Party

Vasil Paliakou, Chair of the Homel regional organization of the United Civil Party

The Homel regional organization of the United Civil Party held a sitting for the nomination of members to electoral commissions. It was decided to nominate eight people to the constituency electoral commissions in Homel and the Homel region. The regional organization of the “Fair World” party also nominated ten members to the electoral commissions, and two more were nominated by the Belarusian Popular Front Party.

All in all, 17 constituency electoral commissions will be established in the Homel region. The oppositionists have little hope that the nominees will be included into the commissions. “Most probably, oppositionists won't be included into commissions, as it was during the previous years, because members of parties know the laws well enough, whereas electoral commissions just need a silent agreement of their members, as there are no elections — just their imitation. The people who will insist on abidance by the electoral legislation, will be a problem for falsifiers,” says the head of the Homel regional organization of the United Civil Party Vasil Paliakou.

“Human rights defenders for free elections”

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