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Euroradio reporter Vital Ruhain detained on Lithuanian border

2012 2012-07-24T13:12:02+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

Vital Ruhain, journalist of the Euroradio independent channel, was detained when crossing the Lithuanian border this morning, the Nasha Niva newspaper reports.

Later reports say he was released after being searched by the customs officials, who seized his laptop under Art. 8.9 of the Administrative Code. The laptop was later returned to the journalist, who is currently heading for Minsk. However, the confiscation report has been taken away, Euroradio reports.

Vital Ruhain left for Poland after another Euroradio reporter Pavel Sviardlou was arrested on 22 June. He has returned home after vacations for the first time today.


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