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Salihorsk District Court has been refusing to issue a verdict for three months already

2012 2012-11-27T15:18:25+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The case of the Salihorsk “Young Front” activist Andrei Tychyna has more than a six-month history. About six months ago the city authorities prohibited him to hold a bicycle race in support of the national symbols – the white-red-white flag and the “Pahonia” coat of arms.

The youngster filed an appeal to the Minsk Region Court. He has been unable to receive the declarative part of the court ruling for three months already. He filed a special written request to the Salihorsk Ditrict Court and was answered that “it seems to be impossible to send you copies of documents from the civil case, as far as on 23.08.2012 it was sent to the Salihorsk District Prosecutor's Office”. The head of the court I. Bardovich promised to send the case materials to the applicant after the case would be returned to the court.

“The situation is quite strange. It seems that they deliberately refrain from returning me the documents so that I would have no opportunity for appealing to higher court instances,” says Andrei Tychyna. “Moreover, I did not ask to be sent copies of documents from the civil case – what I asked was to issue me with the decision of the Minsk Region Court with the declarative part. In fact, the head of the court wasn't given on the merits of my appeal. Maybe, I will apply to the prosecutor's office on this matter.”

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