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Forced subscription to state-owned press continues in Bialynichy district

2012 2012-12-11T16:28:30+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Earlier the burden of securing the subscription to large circulations of "ideologically correct" editions was put on workers of budget institutions, whereas now it concerns almost all organizations and enterprises of the district.

The local ideologists sent the orders for subscription to all organizations and even mentioned which editions Bialynichy dwellers must read first of all. The first place is still ocupied by "Sovetskaya Belorussiya".

The order for making people subscribe to the state-owned editions was also sent to the Bialynichy district post office.
A special plan, including the list of the newspapers and magazines the subscription to which must be obligatory provided by the mailmen, was passed to tem. According to workers of the post office, the largest number of subscribers is still needed for "Sovetskaya Belorussiya" and the district newspaper "Zara nad Druttsiu".

"We were ordered to obligatory subscribe to some state newspaper," says a worker of the Bialynichy public utilities. "Our ideologists said that this confidential order was obligatory for implementation. To my mind, it's a craze, but the people implement it and subscribe, being afraid of trouble at work. I don't understand what for they need it, as many workers of our organization don't read newspapers at all. I also prefer getting news from the Internet."

By the way, according to workers of public utilities, apart from subscribing to the state press, each of them must bring ten kilos of pulp, as the enterprise was ordered to supply a great quantity of second raw materials.

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