Mikalai Charnavus files complaint to head of Supreme Economic Court
On 14 January the
Baranavichy entrepreneur and civil activist Mikalai Charnavus filed a
complaint to the head of the Supreme Economic Court against the
verdict of the cassation panel of judges of 13 November 2012.
Charnavus asks the head of the court to reverse the verdicts of the
court of the first instance, the appellation instance and the
cassation panel of the Supreme Economic Court, and declare invalid
the election to the Council of individual entrepreneurs at the
Baranavichy cooperative market held in December 2011.
As we
have already written, Mikalai Charnavus has been trying to appeal the
results of that election for two years already. At first he went
through the courts of general jurisdiction and then went to economic
courts. As he stated at the courts, the members of the Council of
entrepreneurs Yu. Zialenski, D. Haradnichy, A. Makar and others had
been appointed to the Council by the market administration, not
elected by the general assembly of entrepreneurs as it is required by
the law.