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Case of Shkurko brothers. Police looking for Andrei Bandarenka

2013 2013-03-04T18:11:43+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The police started paying a special attention to the human rights activist after he distributed information about the alleged torture of the Shkurko brothers at Lida District Police Department.

The Lida police filed an inquiry to the city of Kirausk (Mahiliou region) where Andrei Bandarenka is officially registered, and threaten him with bringing a criminal case for libel. Mr. Bandarenka refused to appear at the police department without receiving an official writ.

Andrei Bandarenka, the head of the educational-information institution "Platform" which deals with the protection of prisoners' rights, wrote about the physical and moral torture reported by the brothers. Moreover, the police have brought a criminal case against the victims. This story received a wide public response.

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