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"Zmena" activists hang out streamer "Freedom to Political Prisoners" in Kastrychnitskaya Square

2013 2013-05-03T20:04:34+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

On Saturday, 4 May, an activist of "Zmena" (the youth wing of "Tell The Truth") Pavel Vinahradau is to be released after serving an arrest term.

It is already his second arrest for 2012 and the 12th for all time (with the exception of the criminal imprisonment for participation in the post-election protests on 19 December 2010).

Some of his allies have also repeatedly served arrest terms at the detention center in Akrestsin Street. However, despite the severe pressurization of "Zmena" on the part of the law machinery, members of the youth wing of "Tell The Truth" understand that court officials and ordinary policemen just implement orders.

That's why on 2 May in Minsk "Zmena" activists hanged out the streamer "Freedom to Belarusian Court System!" opposite Tsentralny District Court where Pavel Vinahradau had been tried last. Another streamer, "Freedom to Political Prisoners!" was hanged out in Kastrychnitskaya Square.

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