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Brest authorities explain non-implementation of the law by organizational issues and lack of financing

2013 2013-05-14T19:44:05+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The members of the Chamber of Representatives, elected by citizens of the Brest region, answered the inquiry of the electors who wondered why the agreement about the small border traffic between Belarus and Poland still hadn't been implemented.

The reason for the appeal was that none of the aforementioned MPs used the opportunity to ask Aliaksandr Lukashenka about this sensitive issue during his appearance at the Belarusian Parliament. Bear in mind that an earlier inquiry to the MPs was signed by more than a thousand people.

Two out of the 4 MPs who had been sent the inquiry have reacted to it: Larysa Bahdanovich and Uladzimir Bazanau. The latter also supplied his answer with an answer of the deputy-Prime-Minister Piatro Prakapovich. However, there were few details in the answer: the MPs and the representative of the government explain the protraction in the implementation of the agreement by organizational, technical and financial reason, which prevents the Belarusian authorities from opening such movement with Poland, Lithuania and Latvia at once.


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