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Mikashevichy: provocations against members of independent trade union at “Granite” continue

2013 2013-08-07T15:40:55+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Unidentified provocateurs spread information on internet forums and websites of Mikashevichy and Luninets and that activists and of the independent trade union at the “Granite” plant receive money and orders to discredit the plant from the abroad.

Of course, this attempt to destroy the authority of the trade union activists can can hardly be considered as a novelty, as opposition and civil structures have got used to such flinging of mud during the long years of their existence. Such provocations are aimed at gullible people and are used to undermine their confidence in the democratic structures, including the unit of the independent trade union at “Granite” Thanks to the activism of the trade union unit, the wages at the plant were increased to 8-10 million rubles. However, according to the head of the unit, Ales Stakhayevich, these are just temporary improvements, as far as they are not stated in the collective labor agreement. At the same time, the official trade union is not interested in exercising control over the implementation of the labor agreement.

At present the activists of the independent trade union are getting ready to the continuation of the court proceedings concerning the dismissal of one of the members of the trade union, Leanid Dubanosau. The trial started back in July. The next hearing was scheduled for 10 September.

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