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Where are satellite antennas banned in Salihorsk?

2013 2013-11-02T17:15:51+0300 2013-11-02T17:15:51+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The Salihorsk human rights activists came across the ruling of the Salihorsk District Executive Committee " On the prohibition of installation of engineering equipment on the facades of houses" at the website of the National Legal Internet Portal. According to the law, the ruling was to have been published in the district newspaper “Shakhtsior”, but they didn't manage to find it there.

According to the ruling of the local authorities, based on the appropriate ruling of the Council of Ministers, the installation of engineering equipment is prohibited on the facades of houses in the most densely populated part of the city. In particular, the prohibition applies to the facades facing the central square, Mir Avenue, the roadway of Lenin and Kazlou Streets (the section from Mir Avenue to Leninski Kamsamol Street). The ruling is valid from the date of its official publication. It was uploaded to the website of the legal portal on 1 August 2013.

As pointed by the local human rights activists, the local dwellers shouldn't be mislead by the term "technical equipment ". In accordance with the above- mentioned ruling of the Council of Ministers , the term includes the individual antennas, air conditioners and even clothes dryers. Now those wishing to install these devices on the above-mentioned buildings in Salihorsk must apply to the executive committee for getting an official permission and attach a package of documents to it. Those who had installed the so-called engineering equipmentbefore, must also obtain a permit or dismantle them.

It is worth recalling that the problems with satellite dishes in Salihorsk started first back in 2007. This occurred against the backdrop of the talk about the appearance of the independent satellite TV channel “Belsat”. However, at that time the existence of the satellite antennas didn't seem to be a great problem for the local authorities, despite the massive actioons for the beautification and restoration before the 50th anniversary of the capital of miners. However, no the final point has been set in this issue, and the monitoring of the implementation of the ruling will be implemented by a deputy chairman of the Salihorsk District Executive Committee.

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