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Just one oppositionist include in a constituency election commission in Brest

2014 2014-01-06T21:21:40+0300 2014-01-06T21:21:40+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

All in all, 697 out of the proposed 772 candidates were included in the 57 constituency election commissions for the elections to Brest Regional Council.

The greatest number of people was nominated by public associations (327 out of 344 persons, nominated by them, were included in the commissions), and those who were nominated by applications of citizens (197 out of 218). 144 people were nominated by labor collective (132 were included in the commissions), and 66 by political parties (41 included). It's worth mentioning that among members of various parties preference was given to members of the Communist Party of Belarus (28 members were included in the commissions). The Republican party of labor and justice has 9 representatives in the commissions, and the Republican party – 3 representatives. At the same time, of all nominees of the opposition parties, just one member of the Belarusian Popular Front was included in an election commission.

As stated by the head of the organizational and personnel department of Brest Regional Executive Committee Aliaksandr Kaliada (who is also a member of the Regional Election Commission ), "the principle of formation of the constituency electoral commissions was democratic, since the experience of work of the candidates in election campaigns and the size of the organizations represented by them were taken into account."

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