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Civil society activist summoned by his boss after filing documents for registration of electoral team

2014 2014-01-14T12:58:18+0300 2014-01-14T12:58:18+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

On January 10 Bialynichy democratic activists filed documents to the district and territorial election commissions for registration of initiative groups to collect signatures for nomination as candidates.

An activist of the civil initiative “Tell the Truth” Piatro Shymbaliou intends to collect signatures for nomination as a candidate for the Mahiliou Regional Council in Bialynichy electoral constituency No. 1. January 13 he received a call from the commission and was told to correct certain deficiencies in the submitted documents.

"I have not really noticed some mistakes, so on January 13 I visited the constituency commission and immediately corrected them”, Mr. Shymbaliou. “I hope there won't be any other problems with the documents filed with the commission."

On January 10 documents three democratic candidates filed documents with the Bialynichy district commission on elections for the Bilaynichi District Council of 27 Convocation for registration of their initiative groups: representatives of “Tell the Truth” and member of the party Belarusian Popular Front Aleh Miatselitsa is going to run at Michurynskaya election constitueny No. 7, activist of “Tell the Truth” Piatro Shymbaliou – in Parkavaya constituency N. 8, another activist of “Tell the Truth”, Yury Ziankou – at Chyrvonaarmeiskaya constituency No. 13.

According to unofficial information, one of the democratic activists had a talk with his boss, who asked why the activist wanted to run for the district council. It is quite interesting where the official managed to obtain such information in such short time?

"Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections"

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