Analytic report “Belarus: Time for Media Reform”
On February 6, an analytic report on media situation in Belarus was presented at the office of the Belarusian Association of Journalists.
On February 8 it turns five years since the Law on Mass Media has come into legal force. The law enforcement practice shows all its drawbacks that impact negatively free speech and media sphere in Belarus.
The comprehensive report, authored by Andrei Aliaksandrau (Index on Censorship) and Andrei Bastunets (BAJ), provides an overview of media landscape in Belarus, estimates the law enforcement practice regarding journalists, and provides recommendations on how to improve the situation so that to ensure rights and freedoms of the media and free expression. The report addresses the issues of strict regulation of media sphere, economic discrimination of independent mass media, journalists’ safety, problems of accreditation, defamation, extremism, etc.
Find the report here Belarus: Time for Media Reform