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Salihorsk authorities ban campaigning in central square

2014 2014-02-17T02:33:47+0300 2014-02-17T02:33:47+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Salihorsk District Executive Committee published the lists of approved places for candidates' campaign events, places to put their campaign materials, and facilities for meetings with voters.

According to the decision of the authorities, candidates for the Salihorsk District Council are allowed to hold election rallies and pickets by way of notification, if these events are organized by themselves or their agents. The only place for them is the traditional site at the “Budaunik” stadium on the city outskirts, as well as the school stadiums and the “Maladosts” park. All these sites are also located quite far from the central streets and squares, but provide considerably larger possibilities for mass events compared to the time between elections.

The decision of the executive committee of the places for printed campaigning materials looks quite liberal for today's Belarus. The candidates can place their leaflets and programs on the information boards of all organizations of the district including the City Palace of Culture and the House of Culture "Budaunik". They are also allowed to hold meetings with voters in the premises of the last two institutions. Such meetings can be also held in all city and district housing offices.

Salihorsk human rights activists say that despite all this “liberalism”, the determined conditions are still insufficient for holding adequate election campaigning. For instance, the candidates cannot hold electoral meetings in the yards of houses and in such busy places as the central square and the biggest streets.

"Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections"

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