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Hrodna: Stanislau Rachkel, activist of “Malady Front”, sentenced to 10 days of administrative arrest

2014 2014-05-08T13:43:39+0300 2014-05-08T13:43:39+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Stanislau Rachkel

Stanislau Rachkel

On 8 May, administrative trials of member of “Malady front” Stanislau Rachkel and his friend were held in the Kastrychnicki district court of Hrodna. Judge Alena Toustsik-Samoila did not want to take into account the circumstances of the case and sentenced both young men to 10 days of administrative arrest allegedly for disorderly conduct.


Stanislau Rachkel and his friend were groundlessly detained on 24 April near the bus station. Administrative protocols for disorderly conduct and drinking alcohol in a public place were drawn up on them, although a medical examination on that very day did not find any alcohol in the blood of both individuals. Stanislau and his friend spent 3 days in the temporary detention facility until 28 April, and after it they were summoned to appear in court on 8 May.


Obviously, the sentence given by the judge Alena Touscik-Samoila is politically motivated and can be considered as a part of a repressive campaign that was launched against activists of “Malady Front” ahead of 2014 Ice Hockey World Championship.


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