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Eugeniusz Wappa: honesty and Belarusianness of Radio “Racyja” are an obstacle to Belarusian regime

2014 2014-08-15T19:09:05+0300 2014-08-15T19:09:05+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Chairman of the Board of the Belarusian office of Radio "Racyja" Eugeniusz Wappa. Photo by

Chairman of the Board of the Belarusian office of Radio "Racyja" Eugeniusz Wappa. Photo by

Program Director of the Belarusian Radio “Racyja” Jury Leszczinski was denied a Belarusian visa. He filed documents to the Belarusian consulate in Bialystok, as the previous year. The consulate didn't explain the reasons for the visa denial. Jury Leszczynski tried obtain a single visa for tourism purposes.

“There can be only one reason for the visa refusal”, commented the Chairman of the Board of Radio “Rachyja”, representative of the Belarusian diaspora in Poland Eugeniusz Wappa: "The things that are normal and really Belarusian, have no right to stay in the country under dictatorial regime. Honesty and Belarusianness of Radio “Racyja” are a special obstacle to the present regime. The nice words of the Belarusian officials about support and mutual understanding are empty, fake, Pharisees words. We have lies and anti-Belarusianness again.”

"People will remember such anti-Belarusian deeds of so called “Belarusian” Embassies abroad”, says Eugeniusz Wappa. He points that the adoption of the Law “On Belarusians Abroad”, which supposedly demonstrates concern for compatriots abroad, looks fake against this background. Let us remind that Mr. Wappa hasn't been allowed to enter Belarus for several years already.


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