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Ales Bialiatski presented his book in Grodno

2014 2014-09-18T14:47:22+0300 2014-09-18T14:47:22+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

There was held the first public meeting after the release of human rights defender, the president of the Human Rights Centre "Viasna" Ales Bialiatski in Harodnia. The core of the meeting was the presentation of his book "Mercurial silver of life." The book is written in prison, when he had to write in very unfavorable conditions.
Ales Bialiatski is saying:
- All the texts in the book can be divided into two parts. These are memories of my life and of maybe interesting moments in which I was, which are important for our social life, because, in principle, we don’t have as much as we wish such a genre like memories. We lived 25 years, almost a quarter of a century, of a very active social life and there were ups and downs during this life.
The main technical work on the book has fulfilled friend of the "Viasna" Elena Laptsenak. Small hall not accommodated all who came to the meeting. There were not only familiar for Ales activists, and academics, but also young people and students who are aware of the invincible spirit of the leader of the "Viasna ". There was Victar Sazonau among the speakers, who said that Ales Bialiatski lived according to his convictions, and for this hi is respected. The president of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" in Harodnia Sergey Mal’chik, historian Henadz Semiantchuk journalist Andrej Pachobut and other citizens of Horodnia delivered a speech. All those who presented on the meeting received as a gift book of memories of the political prisoner Ales Bialiatski.

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