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Activist of an independent trade union plans to hold in Homel on November 7 a meeting against Russian aggression in Ukraine

2014 2014-10-22T15:22:37+0300 2014-10-22T15:22:37+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Activist of Homel branch of the independent trade union of radio industry Eduard Nelubovich planning on November 7, the day of the celebration of the October Revolution, to hold a street meeting against the actions of supporting separatism in Ukraine held by the Russian government and he wants to support the Ukrainian people.

Activist sent an appropriate application to the city council.

Eduard Nelubovich wants to hold a mass event with banners and slogans on the main street of Homel - Sovietskaya, starting it at the Lenin Square and ending at the Paustania Square. He said that 30 people- members of the trade union are going to attend the meeting. This day representatives of the Communist Party usually carry out their meetings on the occasion of the October Revolution at the central Lenin Square and they are doing it usually without applying to the authorities. "It will be also interesting to see, if the authorities allow an independent trade union to hold the meeting at two officially authorized places(that are mentioned in the “Law on the mass events”), because in general it’s almost impossible to hold any meetings there. One of these places is in a residential district, the other one is situated near the industrial district, "- said the activist.

Over the las 10 years authorities of Homel didn’t allow representatives of democratic organizations and opposition parties to hold any of the more than 500 applied mass events.

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