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Protesters, journalists detained in Homieĺ

2015 2015-07-30T13:53:38+0300 2015-07-30T13:53:38+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

On July 29, police officers detained Yauhen Hadar and his wife Aza, who tried to stage a picket in front of a department store in Homieĺ. They tried to draw public attention to the problems that exist in the construction sphere. The Hadars believe that corruption is rampant in the city and wanted by their example stress the problem. The picket was filmed by freelance journalists Kanstantsin Zhukouski and Natallia Kryvashei. However, the protesters did not even have time to display a poster when they were detained by the police. “My wife Aza is disabled, and we have been held in the police department for more than two hours already, we are going to face charges, but for what? For the fact that we are only trying to defend our rights?” said Yauhen Hadar.

The journalists were also detained by the police.

“They grabbed my hands, insulted my national dignity, swore – that’s the police we have. Now we are going to face charges,” Kanstantsin Zhukouski.

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