UN HRC Accepts Complaint on Deadly Torture over Prisoner
Aliaksandr Akulich died on March 26, 2012 in the temporary detention facility of Svetlahorsk district home affairs department: representatives of the police did not call the ambulance urgently, beat the arrestee and resorted to non-lethal weapons. It was the fourth day out of the five days of arrest, imposed on Aliaksandr Akulich.
Valiancina Akulich, mother of the victim, has exhausted all national legal remedies trying to investigate the violent death of her son and submitted the complaint, with the support of human rights defenders, to the UN Human Rights Committee. The communication says that Valiancina Akulich can stay anonymous, but she wants the case and the decision to be public. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus also received the letter from the HRC requesting that information on admissibility and on the essence of the complaint should be sent within six months.